
Join IABC for Our Chapter and Region Events

Chapter and regional events provide virtual connection and continued learning on topics that span the communication profession.

IABC has eight regions and more than 60 chapters in 15 countries around the world, holding dozens of networking and professional development events each month, and now virtually.

Webinars and Virtual Master Classes

Regular webinars help you stay informed and up-to-speed on the latest trends, with instruction from experts in the field. IABC also hosts virtual Master Classes for participants to dive deep on specific topics. Stay tuned for additional details on these Master Classes, to be released soon!

Shared Interest Groups (SIGs)

IABC’s Shared Interest Groups (SIGs) provide members with a global community in which to develop their interests within a specific subject area. Become an active participant, connect with like-minded colleagues, tap into trustworthy sources to advance initiatives, and gather practical tips, learning opportunities and best practices. Go beyond the ordinary and plunge into the invaluable opportunities waiting within these communities. Current SIGs include:

  • Healthcare

  • Student/Early Career

  • Education

  • Change Management

  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

  • Consultants

 Network 9 Social

Network 9 Social

Introducing Network 9, a no-host social gathering for our Tristate Area Chapter members to network with fellow members and board leaders in your geographic locations!

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